Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Goodness of Pie

Everything had the same everything for an everything. Everything's only--if everything could be noun-ed. Yes, the same everything. Everything depended on the everything in which everything, particularly "thingy" was pro-noun-ed.

Only a momentary set-back. Everything gave way to everything else.

At this point, I began to put together a guest list, which lead to the question of geometry. Really, why geometry, you might ask. If you're asking, that is. The perfect circle.

No, you might say. But this way was the way to the fish fry. I am not thinking about fish, but about her pie. In what universe might pi (pie) be one rather than three something, some irrational number? When does the mathematically irrational become rational? Hmmm. Her pie.

The picture. Yes, mother.

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